WPBakery vs Gutenberg speed comparison

WPBakery vs Gutenberg speed comparison

If you’ve ever wondered how much of an improvement Gutenberg would bring in terms of speed and performance rating, if you are switching from WPBakery Page Builder, I have you covered. Recently, I rebuilt a client’s website from WPBakery to Gutenberg and compared their homepages. The difference is quite big – everything else being equal.

WordPress Ad Management: How to add ad banners to your website systematically

WordPress Ad Management: How to add ad banners to your website systematically

Looking for a way to show ad banners on your website (blog/authority/affiliate site) by device and manage them from a central place? This post will give you two ways (free & paid) on how to do it. Show adverts across your website, hook them into/before/after the content, replace the sidebar, show different ads on mobile…

My fastest WordPress theme picks after 7 years of building websites – for developers and also beginners. Free & Premium
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My fastest WordPress theme picks after 7 years of building websites – for developers and also beginners. Free & Premium

Read on if you want to find out which themes I use after 7 years of trial and error for speed and reliability and to streamline my work and achieve a great work/life balance, whilst working with many happy clients.

Crowdtamers Gutenberg redesign + Speed optimisation: 31/100 to 80/100 on mobile | Canada

Crowdtamers Gutenberg redesign + Speed optimisation: 31/100 to 80/100 on mobile | Canada

switched from WP Azure to Kadence theme switched from Elementor PRO to Gutenberg + Kadence blocks + Gutenberg Addons converted all images to webp + optimised them tested 3 different optimisation / caching plugins and set up the best performing one (Autoptimize) hosted on Siteground (which I don’t recommend – here’s why)

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