a multilingual business website | United Kingdom
| | | a multilingual business website | United Kingdom responsive and modern design with custom graphics migrated from custom WP templates from a previous developer to Elementor for better flexibility & usability by the owner Speed optimisation + cleanup

Car dealership website | Slovakia
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Car dealership website | Slovakia

a business website with custom graphic design and functionality: logo + website graphic design custom car database custom car post type advanced custom fields – car attributes each car has it’s own gallery each car has it’s own contact form website is managed (regular updates, backups, security checks) – find out more here

Custom e-shop: | Slovakia
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Custom e-shop: | Slovakia responsive and modern design with custom layout and graphics customised eshop cross-sell and up-sell features integration with two major product directories and various CTAs (calls to action) Product warranty registration customised product detail page, custom specification fields (Advanced Custom Fields integration) blog GDPR content migration from old website Mailchimp (Newsletter) integration speed…

Travel Blog: | Italy
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Travel Blog: | Italy responsive and modern design with custom graphics custom single post layout and post archive pages automatic image optimisation on upload SEO best practices: post last modified date, breadcrumbs, table of contents ThriveLeads integration Cloudways & Cloudflare setup + optimisation

Art eshop – Chris O’Hara | Ireland
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Art eshop – Chris O’Hara | Ireland

responsive and modern design with custom graphics eshop – paintings presentation & sale, product image gallery, image zoom on hover, custom product attributes and filters (width, height, colour) custom cart & checkout messages Bitcoin payment gateway blog contact form sticky social network icons Instagram feed sticky contact and cart buttons custom testimonials design website is…

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