g-class-experience.com (Mercedes Benz) – WPML Multilingual site | Germany
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g-class-experience.com (Mercedes Benz) – WPML Multilingual site | Germany

g-class-experience.com WPML integration and troubleshooting (Divi, Woocommerce + various third-party plugins, manual WPML configuration for those) migration between staging and live servers Woocommerce orders and customers sync between live and staging websites In collaboration with tabdifferent.com

Travel Blog: nomadisbeautiful.com | Italy
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Travel Blog: nomadisbeautiful.com | Italy

nomadisbeautiful.com responsive and modern design with custom graphics custom single post layout and post archive pages automatic image optimisation on upload SEO best practices: post last modified date, breadcrumbs, table of contents ThriveLeads integration Cloudways & Cloudflare setup + optimisation

Tattoo artist portfolio websitev | Slovakia
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Tattoo artist portfolio websitev | Slovakia

responsive and modern design with custom graphic features (special header style each section has it’s own custom style) Custom header and menu style Instagram and automatic feed of latest images Call to action – fixed “Book now” button Client testimonials from Facebook

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