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Fabrika48.sk – a unique redesign | Slovakia

Disclosure: This post may contain links to affiliate partners and products, that I have selected manually and would or have bought myself. I will get a commission if you decide to purchase anything after clicking on these links – at no cost to you.


  • responsive and modern design with custom graphics built on Gutenberg (Kadence)
    • the new design reflects the uniqueness of the business – the building itself. When you walk into the building, you can’t resist looking around, up and down the open spaces with unique preserved original wooden and steel beams of the old coffee factory. The new website reflects that wow effect – it is minimalistic, but very elegant, with some harder elements representing the steel beams.
  • collaboration with the photographer to achieve the best results with photos matching the website layout
  • built on Gutenberg – fast and simple
  • pages and URL structure clean-up including redirects to preserve SEO backlinks
  • GDPR setup
  • Multilingual setup using WPML – Slovak + English

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